Biological fungicide for foliar application that provides greater disease control and a prolonged residual power.

ATERIX is a biofungicide based on Trichoderma afroharzianum, a fungus recognized for being one of the most important biocontrol agents to suppress a wide range of plant pathogens. When applied to the plants, it can help to prevent or reduce the incidence of certain foliar diseases.

  • Suppresses or prevents from attacking of a diversity of pathogens in different crops.
  • Compatible with adjuvants, insecticides, and some fungicides.
  • Barley
  • Rice
  • Soybean
  • Wheat
Wheat: 200 mL/100 kg seed
Soybean: 100 mL/100 kg seed
Rice: 400-600 mL/100 kg seed
Application Rate
Wheat: 200 mL/100 kg of seed.
Soybean: 100 mL/100 kg of seed.
Rice: 400-600 mL/100 kg of seed.