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Actellic 50

Acaricide insecticide

An acaricide insecticide for the secure and prolonged control of plagues in stored grains. Formulated with the active ingredient of Pirimiphos-methyl.


Barley - Corn - Paddy rice - Sorghum - Wheat -

Commercial presentation

12 1-liter bottles

Application Rate

10 cm3 per ton of stored grain.

It has a prolonged persistence in grains and in inert surfaces, allowing to maintain stored bags, silos and in storage areas protected during long periods at a time, without the need of frequent treatment. It is a preventive product within a program of grain storage management. Does not generate resistance.

Provides up to 1 year of protection with one application.

Very low toxicity level for humans.

Can be applied with minimal precautions and without using special teams.

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