Combines the inoculating based on leguminosarum biovar viceae strains and a last generation seed treatment that allows for the exponential potentiation of legume nutrition, while it preserves the health of the seeds.


4 bladder of 2 L each of Rilegum Top
2 bottles of 1 L each of Maxim Evolution

Application Rate
    200 mL of inoculant per 50 kg of seed.
    50 mL of Maxim Evolution every 50 kg of seed.

An effective alternative for getting better turnover and grain production with high protein content in peas, lentils and sweet pea.

Inoculants & Bio-Inducers
Rilegum Top | Rizobacter

Is a Liquid inoculant for winter legumes that promotes a high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmoprotective technology.

Seed Treatment
Terapicos de semilla
Maxim Evolution | Rizobacter

A systemic and contact fungicide used for the integral treatment of the soybean seed. It combines three active principles: Fludioxonil 2,5 g + Metalaxyl-M 2,0 g + Tiabendazole 15 g.