This August, Rizobacter’s biofungicide has been approved by The National Service for Agri-Food Health and Quality (SENASA) for its use on Organic Production (N° RNTV: 38004). Together with the certification already given by Argencert, it consolidates as a real tool for the control of pathogens in organic systems for food production.
The first biological seed treatment of the market increasingly positions itself as a genuine solution when it comes to thinking productive strategies which give priority to the quality of foods and the protection of the environment, without losing its efficiency.
This is a new technology developed through an alliance between Rizobacter and the Institute of Microbiology and Agricultural Zoology at the INTA Castelar which, although initially registered for wheat and barley, this year its use is being extended to soybean and is being tested by producers of rice and intensive crops in horticulture.
It is a completely biological formulation based on the strain Trichoderma harzianum 2 (Th2), selected for being the most effective in combating the development of diseases. Consequently, the data coming from a series of trials show that this biocontroller is a very efficient alternative to chemical products (included the ones considered of Premium quality) for the control of Phytopathogenic fungi.
The big natural benefits of this microorganism lie on its rapid growth and strong colonizing capacity. This gives it a significant advantage when competing for space and nutrients with the plant pathogenic fungi. But the action is broader since it also gives a vigour effect which favours the strengthening of seedlings during all the germination and emergence period.
Advantages of its differential performance
- Disease Prevention: it stimulates natural defences before the advance and attack of diseases which cause root rot and soybean seedlings blight.
- A halt to resistance: it combines a triple mode of action which inhibits the possibility of generating resistance by naturally blocking the possibilities of pathogen development.
- Vigour effect: not only does it protect against diseases but also gives a vigour effect which favours the strengthening of seedlings during all the germination and emergence period.