Micro biotechnology that is completely degradable, which allows for superior results in agricultural applications
Within the framework of “Microbiolize Agriculture” presented by Rizobacter to provide concrete answers to the need of producing under a sustainable productive system, the company developed the first Tensioactive of biological origin produced in Argentina. A new technology thought to obtain high effectiveness in applications, while at the same time responding to the greater sustainability needs of the system.
The innovation is the result of Rhamnolipid molecules, 100% biodegradable and non- toxic, which are produced by microorganisms. The complete molecular structure promotes a superior and integral performance to the once known today. In Phytosanitary applications, it reduces the surface tension to the minimal and helps the humidifying power of the drop, looking after the environment by allowing the total biodegradation of the adjuvant, as a result of the biological activity of the soil. Because it is non-toxic, it is secure for the worker to use.
How it Works
The virtues of a high performing biological Tensioactive is profoundly necessary, especially in Argentina, where density of resistant weeds makes control mechanisms an even greater necessity. Within this reality, the bio-tensioactive can provide its beneficial action in three effective stages of the spraying:
Preparation of Phytosanitary Agent: Because of its characteristics, the biotensioactive is able to act as a dispersing agent of the active ingredient in the weed, notably decreasing the precipitation or inhibiting it completely, in this way improving the quality of the tank prepared agent.
Preparation of spraying drops: This technology is able to favor the rupture of the agent spray because its tensioactive power lowers the tension energy, promoting “an easier agent rupture.” This way, given the same model and pressure from the nozzle, there will be drops of a more homogenous size, produced by a smaller resistance. Drops of homogenous size favor the application and at the time of defining control strategies. It avoids the formation of unwanted drop size.
Impact: the use of biotensioactives guarantee that the drop that hits the target is capable of generating good contact with it, allowing for a humidifying effect, avoiding a rolling and bouncing effect of the drop; while the interaction with the waxes allows for greater grip.
This innovative tool is effective on a vast range of environmental conditions, even in high temperatures where plants and insects cannot live. The molecule also works under different pH agent levels, adapting to all kinds of waters and chemical preparations used in agriculture. It does not create foam in the spraying tank.
Although it has not been commercially launched yet because it is going through advance testing and development stages. Rizobacter strives to obtain double efficiency in its practice, key in its production system: achieve the health of the crops, controlling the weeds while seeing to the environment and the wellbeing of its people.