New technology, unique in the Argentine market, favors the quality and the treatment of seeds, while simplifying sowing logistics. The company aims to expand its product to foreign markets.
Rizobacter registered Rizoliq Garbanzo LLI (Rizoliq Chickpea) the first long life inoculant for chickpea approved for the Argentine market. The company is a pioneer in the production of high technology inoculants for legumes and with this development, which guarantees the pre-inoculation of up to 6o days, it repositions itself in the chickpea market, adding efficiency to the professional treatment of seeds used for this crop and simplifying the sowing.
Given the complex morphology of the chickpea seed that makes the application and distribution of the seed-treatments and inoculants complicated, the possibility of accessing an improved practice will be extremely positive for the producers.
“Optimizing the practice of seed-treatment, not only allows for a more efficient nodulation, but also ensures a healthier seed, which in the case of Argentina is frequently altered by chickpea rabies or smut,” said Engineer Gabriel Carirni, in charge of Marketing for the line of products.
Rizoliq Chickpea LLI guarantees, simplifies and improves notably the logistics before sowing, as it allows the possibility of pre-inoculating the seed up to 6o days in advance.
“Historically, even using professional treatments made with good machines, the producer only had one day to implant the seed so as to not lose the efficiency of the inoculant,” said Carini.
Presently in Argentina, close to 130.00 hectares of chickpea are sowed per year. “This technology has the potential to develop very strongly in high consumption markets, such as the European, Turkish and Indian. All areas where Rizobacter is operating and where its quality has left its mark so as to continue growing,” said the company’s Director.
“With more than 40 years of life, the company has projected a strong growth in the expansion of its international commercialization of its technologies that are based on microbiological agriculture,” concluded Yapur.