
Microbiolization of Agriculture, a Rizobacter Initiative for a Sustainable and More Productive System

The company is expanding its investigation and the development of biotechnologies for the development of crops, which in some cases, increase the use of Phytosanitary and reduce environmental impact.

When concrete solutions are needed for the production of vaster and better agrifood under a sustainable production system, Rizobacter introduces a new concept that looks to improve the efficiency of the production model: Microbiolization. 

Sustained on agricultural microbiology, the initiative looks to extend the use of microorganisms and their metabolites present in the soil, so that they may _ combined with other phytosanitary and fertilizers or even on their own_ maximize productivity. The benefits are what differentiate this proposal from others: it reduces negative environmental impact of chemically synthesized products and improves the biological processes and metabolic and physiological biocontrol cycles, and biofertilization of crops. 

With the Microbiolization initiative, Rizobacter offers a biological alternative that allows for substitutions, potentiation or synergizing the functionality of the different phytosanitary and fertilizers from an agronomic standpoint, generating improvements in the environment.

With this purpose, the company has taken the lead in the investigation and development of micro biotechnological tools in which biological interactions prevail. Such is the case with symbiotic, mutualistic and synergic associations between the plants and microorganisms.

We are developing biotechnologies for a balanced nutrition and an efficient management of abiotic stresses (hydric, cold and heat) during the growth and development of the crops, both in intense and extensive farming. The Microbiolization project has already given its first steps through the use of microorganisms in the biological fixation of nitrogen and through the different osmo-protective and bioinduction formulations developed in our labs, which ensure adequate nitrogen nutrition for Leguminosae crops. We are already working in microbiological tools for the improvement of vegetal growth and phosphorous nutrition through the Plant Growth Promoter Microorganisms (PGPM) and we are developing other microorganisms that can solubilize potassium, sulfur and zinc.

On the other hand, microbiology has advance in the creation of seed treatment that allows for the control of various pathogens in wheat seeds and other winter cereals, such is the case with the Trichoderma Harzaunum.

Added to the Microbiolization initiative that includes the elaboration of technologies based solely on microorganisms, there is an existing wider vision that includes chemical products, such as the co-adjuvants and agrochemicals.

“Through microbiology, our aim is to improve the action of chemically synthesized products, with benefits that mean a more efficient and anticipated control of plagues and weeds, with a smaller environmental impact,” said Ricardo Yapur, company’s CEO. 

The concept of Microbiolization proposes the production of bio- herbicides, bio-fungicides and bio-inductors that replace or complement agrochemicals, or improve the profile of the different co-adjuvant molecules.

The advances produced in agricultural microbiology in the world are showing that they are and efficient tool in combating the problems created by the incorrect t use of natural resources.

“Microbiological technologies increase biodiversity and improve the resilience of the environments used for agricultural production. They also increase Carbon capture and consequently improve the organic content of the soil and reduce the negative impact of Greenhouse gases,” said Yapur.