It is the only Long Life Inoculant (LLI) in Brazil, which allows for a pre-inoculation of up to 60 days.
Within the framework of a 20 year old alliance, Sygenta- the world renown company specialized in the development of agrochemicals- and Rizobacter- global leader in inoculants based in Argentina- launch the Rizolq LLI: the only inoculant registered in the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Food Supply of Brazil (MAPA, according to its Portuguese Acronym) that allows the seed to be treated 60 days in advance. Meant for all Syngenta clients, this technology is here to add efficiency to professional seedcare and simplify the seed sowing process.
Ricardo Yapur, CEO of Rizobacter and José Cricco, General Manager of Rizobacter Brazil, said that the alliance started in 1998, in Argentina, when Rizobacter tended to the whole seed industry, supplying and providing post sales services for fungicide seed treatment Maxim by Sygenta.
“Since then, the synergy between both company portfolios has been unbeatable because it articulates the capacity of investing in research and expansion of a big company, while having a medium size business that has the required swiftness to reach the market,” agreed both of Directors.
“To be able to have complimenting portfolios is of great benefit for Rizobacter because it allows for exponential growth. Our idea is to reproduce in Brazil the success we have had in Argentina. With this alliance, Rizobacter not only completes its professional seed treatment portfolio, incorporating Alfa RFC and ADAGE products, but it also gives us access to the grain storage market with products like Actellic 500 and Actellic Lambda, ” said Cricco.
On the other hand, Emilhano Lima, Seedcare Head LATAM and CU KAM Brazil, said the association brings great benefits to the companies and its clients. “Rizobacter is a great global partner of Sygenta, recognized for being a company that is focused on finding innovative solutions for the market, while completely in line with Sygenta’s values,” said Lima.
With the certitude of knowing that reaching new markets is one of our strategic pillars for continual growth, Rizobacter’s CEO said: “This is a benchmark because our plan is to go even further. It is all about reproducing our successful model in other countries such as Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, South Africa, Ukraine and even Russia in the near future.”