Combina la acción del inoculante con tecnología osmotrotectora (TOP) y de un fungicida terápico de semilla de última generación, de alto espectro de control y excelente compatibilidad con la supervivencia bacteriana.


4 bladder 2 L each of Rizoliq Top Poroto 
2 bottles 1 L each of Maxim Evolution

Application Rate
    200 mL of inoculant per 50 kg of seed.
    50 mL of Maxim Evolution every 50 kg of seed.

Asegura la nutricion del Poroto , una legumbre reconocida por su alto contenido proteico  con un elevado consumo de Nitrógeno.

Liquid inoculant
Rizoliq Top Poroto

Is a Liquid inoculant for bean mung that promotes high metabolic and physiological performance of the specific microorganisms on the seeds. It includes osmo Protective technology TOP.

Seed Treatment
Maxim Evolution

A systemic and contact fungicide used for the integral treatment of the soybean seed. It combines three active principles: Fludioxonil 2,5 g + Metalaxyl-M 2,0 g + Tiabendazole 15 g.